Find us on Google+ TANGOFIX: Dec 26, 2009


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Movement in Vals and Tango.

I like progressive movement along the line of dance in tango, and I really like it to move when dancing Vals. It gives the sensation of flying to paraphrase Tete Rusconi.

What I don't like is when the line of dance stops during a Vals and all you can do as a leader is do gyros left and right, it kills the feeling.

Please try to keep the rhonda moving, especially during Vals "The Flying Dance".

If you don't I, for one will make use of "available space" like it or not. I can navigate around other leaders without banging into them. I would rather get behind a couple and follow them, but if the leader in front of me is in his own world (that is to say not dancing with the music or the crowd) he is only making himself and his partner a road hazard for those people who are at the Milonga to dance.

Dancing tango is a lot like driving on the freeway. Think of the really old driver who drives extremely slow and never gets in an accident but can't understand why there are accidents happening all around them all of the time. (Hint: they are the cause, not the solution.)

Standing in one spot IS NOT DANCING.

Now having said that, if everyone in the room hardly moves along the line of dance and I am the only one who wants to move now I am the one who is the pain in the a$$!

Why can't we compromise and keep the line moving, if someone wants to keep it simple they can enjoy the freedom and connection of just walking, But if the line of dance doesn't move there is no opportunity to walk at all (and walking is after all, the "Main Attraction" of the dance).