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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Exorcisim (or How to get the most out of private tango lessons)

Professional tango instructors (the good ones) are capable of dissecting your dance in a very short period of time.

In my experience some of the the best ways to get the most bang for your buck out of a private lesson are as follows;

1. Go alone, this takes the partnership variable out of the mix, it also eliminates the possibility that one of the partner needs more instruction than the other (the squeaky wheel gets the oil). It will also remove some friction in some partnerships.

2. If your instructor has a teaching partner, schedule your lesson so that both of them are at your lesson. Dance with one while the other observes from outside the embrace, this gives multiple perspectives to the lesson (one of them may see something that can't be felt, the other may feel something that can't be seen). Be aware that some times the instructors may have two different agendas to fix problems that they may observe (I have had the unpleasant experience of observing an argument, if this happens to you pretend it didn't, and don't have both of them there during the next one)

3. Relax during the lesson, you are not on trial, this is not an audition, no one is going to be injured or embarrassed. You want these people to see the flaws in your dance so that they can help you to over come them (sometimes it is something so simple that the minute they tell you the solution the problem is gone forever, other times it takes many instructors telling you the same thing over and over(try the first one, it is far less painful)).

4. Let the instructor work on what needs fixed, it is possible that what they tell you on their own initative may just be the most important thing you will ever learn.

5. It may seem like the instructor is mean/demanding/impatient/cruel/the devil incarnate, maybe they are so what. If they do something completely inappropriate
(this happens from time to time, I have heard many complete horror stories) tell the "instructor" that you demand your money back and leave immediately (never be a victim), Don't forget to tell everyone you know, if this happens to you.

6. Keep an open mind. No one can add to a glass that is already full!

7. Relax, and have fun.

8. Relax, and have fun.

9. Relax, and have fun.

10. Use video tape, if they allow you to use a camera during the lesson do it, tape yourself dancing before and after the lesson. Tell your camera what the instructor told you. Remember always ask before posting anything on the internet (they earn their living doing this). In my opinion it is to their benifet to have more and more people dancing tango in the world (more dancers = more students) and It is free advertisement.

I like to use the phrase "Exorcise my tango, por favor"!

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