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Monday, August 9, 2010

Traffic Jams

While leading I will try and stay halfway between the couple in front of me and the couple behind me in the line of dance with varying degrees of success, here's why...

Traffic Jam Illustration

Remaining halfway between two couples works when the line of dance is moving fast, slow, or even if it is stop and go.

The main causes for traffic jams in the line of dance are; leaders who follow too close behind the couple in front of them (tailgating), leaders who lag too far behind the couple in front of them (people doing patterns instead of truly improvising).

If the leader behind me is too close I will sometimes switch lanes (if there is room to do so) and let him follow the couple in front of me too close, then switch back to fall in behind the tailgater (there is almost always a lot of room behind this dork).

1 comment:

  1. what a perfect illustration - and excellent advice. Thank you for such a great post!
